Mughlai Recipes are the ones which were prepared when the Mughals ruled India. These recipes transferred from hand to hand are today known as Mughlai dishes. Mughlai Dishes and Recipes have a special way of preparing them - often lengthy than the usual ones. It takes a lot of gourmand and garnishing to prepare the delicacy. In earlier days all the ingredients were hand picked, grounded and then stemmed at low temperatures to get the best of the taste.

Though the way the manner the Mughlai dishes have changed dramatically, still the taste remains the same. A lot of pain is taken to prepare the delicacy, which takes hours to prepare the dishes. Not all the dishes take a long time to prepare - Mughlai Chicken is one such dish.

Mughlai Chicken

Ingredients :

1 Chicken
4 Bay leaf
3 medium sized onion
4 Green Chillies
4 Browm or Large Cardamom
4 tsp sugar
4- 5 Cinnamon as per taste
8 - 9 pods garlic
1/2 kg tomatoes
4 lightly beaten eggs
Salt to taste/ Tincher of china salt
Flaked Almonds for Garnishing

To be ground :
Grind the cloves, chillies and tomatoes in a grinder. Grind them till they make a fine paste

Preparation Method

In one bowl mix the eggs, sugar, ground almonds. Mix them well to make a paste. Now, heat with groundnut refined oil cooking oil in a deep frying pan. Add cardamom, cinnamon sticks to the heated oil. Add the chopped onions to it and fry till the onions turn golden brown. Add the paste of tomato and stir it. Then pour the chicken chunks to this gravy. Let it fry for five minutes. Then add the paste of eggs and ground almonds to the Gravy. Lower down the heat and let it simmer for 5- 10 minutes till the chicken hunks are soft or cooked properly to eat. Garnish with flaked almonds and serve with Roti, fried rice or Naan.
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